Nicola Armaroli (ISOF-CNR) Chemistry and the Great Energy Transition Chimica per l'energia Rinnovabile Chair - Dr. Alessandro Mordini (ICCOM-CNR) A paper-based algal biosensor for nanoatrazine optical detection Scognamiglio Viviana IC A coordination-driven triangle as nanoreactor Rancan Marzio - ICMATE β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes of natural occurring compounds and their evaluation as insect repellents in a push-pull strategy Delogu Giovanna - ICB Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) at ICCOM: the role of analytical methodology development Bramanti Emilia - ICCOM Permeation of Light Gases through Zeolite Membranes Barbieri Giuseppe - ITM Micro-engineered capsules: a powerful tool in green chemistry Costa Anna - ISTEC Coffee Break Invited Lecture - Dr.

Maurizio Peruzzini Direttore Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali Chimica Verde Chair - Dr. 49 (plenum, 1990).1 z Chimica Verde Energie Rinnovabili Salute Materiali Modelling Beni Culturali CONFERENZA DI DIPARTIMENTO SETTEMBRE ASSISI GRAND HOTEL ASSISIĢ Organizzazione Giornate di Dipartimento Settembre, Assisi Comitato Organizzatore (Roma) Caterina Adinolfi Floriana Bernabucci Federica Criscuoli Giuliana Quaglia Mario Figuretti Cinzia Fraschetti Francesco Verginelli Comitato Organizzatore (Perugia) Olivia Bizzarri Lucia Allegretti Beatrice Bizzarri Filippo De Angelis Costanza Miliani Edoardo Mosconi Simona Fantacci Leonardo Belpassi Laura Cartechini Francesca Rosi Comitato Scientifico - Premio YIA2018 Doriano Lamba (Coordinatore) Lucia Curri Filippo De Angelis Alessandro Lavacchi Mauro Marchetti Costanza Miliani Alessandro Mordini Giuseppe Palmieri Maurizio Peruzzini Maria Luisa Pompili Paola Rizzarelli Alessandra Sanson Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali Via dei Taurini, Roma Telģ 24 settembre 2018 PROGRAMMA Registrazione INTRODUZIONE Dr. 132 (Nijhoff, 1987) and, "Nonlinear Optics and Optical Computing", S. For some closely related technology, the reader many also wish to consult the ISQE volumes: "Optical Fiber Sensors", A.
These Proceedings update and augment the material contained in a previous ISQE volume, "Integrated Optics: Physics and Applications", S. This conference was organized to provide a comprehensive survey of the frontiers of this technology, including fundamental concepts, nonlinear optical materials, devices both in the linear and nonlinear regimes, and selected applications. Today many devices are available on market while a big effort is devolved to research on integrated nonlinear optical devices. Since its inception in the late 1960's, Integrated Optics has evolved from a specialized research topic into a broad field of work, ranging from basic research through commercial applications. The term Integrated Optics signifies guided-wave optical circuits consisting of two or more devices on a single substrate. This was the 18th annual course organized by the International School of Quantum Electronics, under the auspices of the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture. This volwne contains the Proceedings of a two-week summer conference titled "Advances in Integrated Optics" held June 1-9, 1993, in Erice, Sicily.